Anyway - here are some pictures of last week in Hendersonville, North Carolina!!

Braden doesn't usually climb on things like this...he's very cautious about everything - doesn't even like many I had to take this because he thought about it - mostly because his little girlfriend that he met there was all over it so he thought he could do - but only made it this far and climbed back down! I guess that's a start!!!

Braden spent a lot of time on this merry-go-round! Loved it! There was a little boy pushing him and was trying not to push too fast and Braden started yelling "faster!!!"...not so nicely!

This was a HUGE bug the kids found on the playground. They were flipping out so I had to go check it out and I must say - I'm glad it was on the playground and not in our dorms!!!

This is Braden in our rustic dorms! We had a "family wing" so we had a refrigerator, table, 4 showers, 3 bathrooms and 6 bunkbeds all to ourselves! Of course it was a dorm I think I mentioned!!! We pushed 3 bunkbeds together so we could all sleep together which made it cozy. Well despite the conditions we still found a way to bring technology to's Braden watching a movie during afternoon free time while Brailey was still asleep!

Here's the little sunshine girl herself! She is usually smiling! She turned over on the 4th of July while we were at this camp!!!

Napping in our over-kingsized bed!!!

Having fun with Brailey rolling over!! Proud big brother!

Ok - we had just watched National Treasure 2 and the part where they are balancing themselves on the square reminded me of these squares. As we would walk on them it would rock back and forth so I said "this is like National Treasure" so Braden called them that all week. He would sometimes say "I don't want to walk on National Treasure!" It was funny!
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