Wow...I don't usually write on here - but some funny things have come out of Braden's mouth in the last few days - and I thought - well - these are the things to add to my blog!!!
First the background....
A couple of weeks ago I started teaching Braden "Holy, Holy, Holy". We would sing, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Merciful and Mighty, God in 3 Persons, Blessed Trinity". That is about all he has memorized (although it's worrying me at this point that he has no tune!) Anyway - I would sing "Holy, Holy, Holy, Merciful and....." hoping he would finish it - well once in a while he would!
Everyone in the south likes to say "bless her heart!" - actually it drives me nuts - but I said it sarcastically one night in the car while Brailey was screaming! Braden started to repeat it and it was really cute coming from him! So the other night he asked to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy" - so we started and he was doing really well - we got to "Blessed........" and I waited for him to say "Trinity" and he said "Bless her little heart!" He was so serious it was hilarious! I started laughing at first and realized he didn't do it to be funny - that is what came to his mind!!!
And then last night while I was getting things ready to head out the door for church Braden got his Bible and started flipping through the pages. He said, "Mom - this page says, 'you got to go to Jesus'". I was like "wow - that's awesome"! A little preaching moment from an "almost 3 year old!" Then he kept flipping and acting like he was reading, "He got off the cross, and the tomb rolled away and He went to heaven!" It is so awesome to here him talk about what he has learned about Jesus! It sounds so sweet to me....but imagine how that sounds to our Father's ears! Children really are a blessing from the Lord!