Braden got this seat for Christmas and is just now learning to relax in it! I took these this morning while he was watching Sesame Street. He has it made - his sippy cup on his right and his goldfish on his left!!! What a life!!!
Starting him out young!!! He's watched his daddy do this a lot so he's a pro!! Although I think I have a little boy that doesn't like to get dirty!! The grass was still wet from overnight and he fell in the grass and sat there like he didn't want to touch the wet grass to get up!! He waited for me to help him up!!! Good or bad?!?!? I don't know! I will post more pictures - but it's not coorperating with me today - UGH!!!
We had a special program at our church where a man who looked A LOT like Abe Lincoln came and spoke for the 4th of July! It was really neat. Here is me and Braden getting our picture with him - Braden apparently didn't like the whole dead man walking thing!! HA! Also a picture of our pastors with him. They didn't seem to mind!! HA! Also - a cute picture of Braden after our God and Country celebration fireworks and fun - was just too much to handle....for all of us....however our wagon will only fit him!! HA!
We finally had Braden dedicated the day after he turned ONE!!! We were waiting until my parents could come down from PA - which didn't happen until his 1st b-day! It was a beautiful ceremony. This is us with Pastor Kevin!
The whole family. Grandpa and Granma Janosko, US, and Nanny Mayfield!
We got this piano at one of our church yard sales. I waited to put the seat on it until Braden was walking. Until then he could play the piano on the floor. Well - I put it all together and was surprised when he taught himself to sit on the seat properly! He seemed pretty proud of himself too! Also - we will say, "Play the music" and he'll go over and hit a key!
WOW - it has been a year already! I can't believe it!! Braden has accomplished soooooo much in such a short time. He went from a helpless baby to now walking idependently around the house! It's great! He is such a blessing!
I am a Pastor's wife and mother to a handsome little boy (almost 3) and a beautiful little girl (born in February). God has truly blessed our family in so many ways! We look forward to hearing from our friends - both near and far!!!