Well - the time had come for Braden to get a "real" haircut. I had "tried" but it was crooked so I thought I'd better go see how the professionals do it!! I don't know that I learned much - because she had a hard time for the same reason I did - you can't keep a one year old from moving - especially when you're messing with their head!!! HA!

Here's Braden sitting in the "big chair" getting ready for his smock!

Well - he didn't like sitting alone - so Mommy joins him!! Daddy took pictures!

He's saying, "Maybe if I keep taking her combs she will quit messing with my hair!"

"I can't quite see the mirror from this angle - is she cutting straight?"

"That's better - now I can see - wow I look sooooooo serious!"

"How am I doing daddy? Do I look good?!"

"Hey - I sat really good - and you only needed one bandaid from me moving - so um - can I keep these?!"